Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weight loss can't be this easy??

Well it has been a week and in between I got my Fit products.  I was so excited I dug right in, unpacked the box to check everything out.  Since it was evening I chose to start the next day, that was Thursday.

It is pretty simple so far, the first 6 days is the cleanse phase.  For the most part it is the same except you drink a Fit Reset every day.  Reset is ready to drink, no mixing, and taste wonderful and fruity.  The best part is that it is not making me stay close to home like other cleanse products that I have used in the past.

So here I am day 4, and already 4 lbs lighter!!  I really have not changed much.  My diet was pretty healthy although I did eat more than I needed of sweets.  My weakness is most any kind of pastry.  My husband loves cookies and usually has some in the cookie jar.  Hard to walk thru the kitchen without grabbing one.

A couple of things I have noticed today is my craving for sweets is gone and I have lots of energy.  The craving I noticed when I was getting dessert for my hubby after lunch today and didn’t even get a bite for myself… I didn’t want any and I made it… for me that is a major thing.  Anyone that craves sweets knows what I am talking about.  It wasn’t just ‘You can’t eat that cuz you are on a diet’ thing, it was easy to just NOT want it.   As for the energy.. I find it hard to just sit here at the computer, I want to get up and do things.. not sure what but I can find something I have lots of projects that need to be done.

Since this program is not about dieting and worrying about the numbers on the scale at the end of my first week I will measure and see how many inches I lost.  Can’t wait for that.
For anyone following my blog, if you are interested in checking out the Body Composition System that I am using go to FIT .  All you need to know to make this Your year to get healthy will be there.

Also there was a great article about the best foods for your heart that everyone may want to check out to add to what you do or replace some bad habits with good ones.  Remember to do it for You but also for those You Love!

Til next time, Di

Thought for the day: Focus on being healthy rather than losing weight.   Those who do maintain long-term success.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Upside of Networking...

How often have we needed a little extra cash at the end of the month but the boss was not going to give us a raise.  We don't have time to get an extra job.  For Stay at Home Parents a little extra money would make it possible to take that vacation to Disneyland or camping next summer but where do you find the time?  Well the answer is something that most of us do but never get paid for.  That is Networking or Sharing information.  It is interesting how often we tell our friends about a great deal we got, a wonderful restaurant we ate at or the movie we saw.  Yet we view Networking as a scam.  Mostly because there are programs out there that are.  I have seen my share.  But we are going to talk about the UP side of Networking. 

The short version is that instead of a lot of middle men (or women) and advertisers getting a piece of the Pie,  we do.  We buy direct and tell others and then we get paid based on our efforts.  This is also the opportunity for anyone, no matter what their financial or education background can start their own business and be self employed without a big investment or huge overhead.  You can spend a little as a couple hours a week and make enough to cover your house payment or pay off those CC.  What ever our need is it can be what makes all the difference in our life.

That being said, how would you know which one of the hundreds to chose from?  Well, You want one  with products or service that you will use and a company and compensation plan that you can believe and trust in.  It was this that made me jump into MPBToday.  I spent a week researching them before deciding.

What caught my interest?  The following questions:
  • Would you say that you spend at least $200 for groceries each month?  
If I could show you:
  • How to eliminate that expense from your budget
  • Get your groceries delivered to your home for free &
  • If you share this opportunity with your friends, family or whoever you can get paid,
Would you be interested in taking a look??? 

How about YOU????

MPBToday  Comp plan is a follow me Matrix, which to most of you doesn't mean anything.  Basically you will get,  $50 on personal sign ups and $300 (Check and Groceries or Gift Card) on a cycle.  A Cycle is 6 people that either you or someone you sponsor signs up.  You can earn up to $600 per cycle.  Adding to that are the bonuses for the different levels.  Income is based on individual efforts.  This is also a unique opportunity with no competition.  For a more detailed explanation of the comp plan see the MPBToday site.

What I think is the greatest part, is the time I will save (time does equal money) when I order my groceries from Southeastern Delivery.  Most of us buy the same items, so once you are signed up it may take a few minutes to set up your first order but after that it will be just minutes to pick your items from your saved list. Your groceries will be on at your door in just a few days.  You will just need to pick up things like meat, fresh fruits & veggies & dairy.  Think of the time it will save and the prices are comparable to Publix (if you live in Florida).  If you like to shop you can opt to get a $200 Walmart Card to use at any Walmart or Sam's Club for anything in they sell.

So what is stopping you from making a change in your financial situation??  Check this out, that is free, and you don't know what you are passing up if you don't first examine it.

Hope everyone has a great week, will be back for some up dates and more Networking info.

MPB Today Why it is the best Home Business